Sunday, March 4, 2007

The price of the power they yield...

Arthur writes in his most recent blog: "Do these people have any consciences or any souls at all?" My answer to this most innocent and incredulous of questions is that the proof is in the pudding. Check out images ofJoe Lieberman and John McCain lately and ask yourself whether their appearance belies the natural wear and tear of the years that they've been here on the planet or if it could perhaps be the added strain of years and years spent in the government compromising the values of the people they represent and perhaps their own values for the sake of political allies and/or leverage.

The saying about absolute power goes something like this: " corrupts absolutely." There is no mention of the physical manifestations of such corruption, but one has to believe that you can't turn your back on some of the qualities that you share with the rest of the Human Race (compassion for a fellow, the basic sense of right and wrong) without it taking some type of physical toll. And who knows, maybe the possession of so much power and the desire for more does have a negative effect on one's physical being in the real world--it sure does in the realm of storytelling...

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