Thursday, March 22, 2007

Desperate thrashing of a rabbit caught in a snare: Redux

Excellent column at Salon by Joe Conason:

Rove is a proven liar who cannot be trusted to tell the truth even when he is under oath, unless and until he is directly threatened with the prospect of prison time. Or has everyone suddenly forgotten his exceedingly narrow escape from criminal indictment for perjury and false statements in the Valerie Plame Wilson investigation? Only after four visits to the grand jury convened by special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, and a stark warning from Fitzgerald to defense counsel of a possible indictment, did Rove suddenly remember his role in the exposure of Plame as a CIA agent.

Harkening back to my post from yesterday, I would like to offer a passage from The Tommyknockers by Stephen King:

You talked to people who lived through one administration after another in which their elected officials told one lie after another, then lied about the lies, and when those lies were found out the liars said: Oh, jeez, I forgot, sorry--and since they forgot, the people who elected them behaved like Christmas and forgave. You couldn't believe there were so fucking many of them until you remembered what P. T. Barnum said about the extraordinary high birth rate of suckers. They looked you square in the face and told you you were full of shit, that the American government didn't tell lies, not telling lies was what made America great.

The passage is from an early chapter which introduces Jim Gardner, a marginally successful poet and spectacularly unsuccessful nukes protester. It deals with his feelings about government policy concerning the regulation of nuclear power, but the sentiment certainly seems to fit the administration's approach to the subpoenas that have been issued for White House staffers concerning the US Attorney firings scandal.

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