US President George W Bush has said he does not believe Iraq has descended into civil war but urged the nation's leaders to confront sectarian violence.
Bill O'Reilly, 11/29/06:
It's not a civil war as NBC News wants you to think. It has nothing to do with that.
AP, 7/9/07:
Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that claimed more than 220 lives, including 60 who died yesterday in a surge of bombings and shootings around Baghdad.
During a news conference yesterday in Baghdad, Abbas al-Bayati, a Shiite Turkoman lawmaker, criticized the security situation in Armili, saying its police force had only 30 members and that the Interior Ministry had finally responded to requests for reinforcements only two days before the attack.
In the absence of enough security forces, al-Bayati said authorities should help residents "arm themselves" for their own protection.
The call for civilians to take up arms in their own defense was echoed yesterday by the country's Sunni Arab vice president, Tariq al-Hashemi, who said all Iraqis must "pay the price" for terrorism.
OK kids, it's official: the presence or absence of U.S. forces in Iraq has NO IMPACT on the fact that a Civil War is currently occurring there, therefore rendering this argument completely moot:
Iraq's foreign minister warned Monday that a quick American troop withdrawal could lead to civil war and the collapse of the Iraqi state, adding that the U.S. has a responsibility to build Iraqi forces so that they take over.
And if that's not enough fun and excitement for ya, chew on this:
Iraq says Turkey has 140,000 soldiers along its border, prompting fears of an incursion against Kurdish guerrillas.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari an ethnic Kurd himself, said his government was against any breach of Iraqi sovereignty.
Turkey accuses Kurdish separatists of staging attacks from inside Iraq. It has often warned Baghdad that it is prepared to take military action.
It's time to get the Hell out RIGHT NOW. If the saber rattling in the north as detailed above doesn't abate pronto, there will be a new huge messy front in this mess that the U.S. forces will be powerless to influence except through the implementation of force through the air, the accuracy of which has already been proven over and over again as suspect, to put it gently. The only sure result of any air sorties on the part of the U.S. forces would be the killing of Kurdish and Turkish forces, resulting in the ire of both groups being focussed upon the U.S., who right now can sort of call both groups allies, or at least "not enemies".
There's no way that the oil worshiping fat cats are going to get their hands on that oil:
In March 2001, the National Energy Policy Development Group (better known as Vice President Dick Cheney’s energy task force), which included executives of America’s largest energy companies, recommended that the United States government support initiatives by Middle Eastern countries “to open up areas of their energy sectors to foreign investment.” One invasion and a great deal of political engineering by the Bush administration later, this is exactly what the proposed Iraq oil law would achieve. It does so to the benefit of the companies, but to the great detriment of Iraq’s economy, democracy and sovereignty.
I suppose that the U.S. could stay and follow Gunner's advice:
One of the big problems with how we have fought this war of liberation is our unwillingness to completely exterminate the bastards. Churchill also said we should just gas the “uncivilized” fucks that give us a hard time. An American military man in Vietnam gave us a wonderful phrase for this, “destroy the village in order to save it.” That is exactly what needs to happen. And I don’t mean something small scale like 1-3 million dead Iraqis (the toll of our Indochina wars) I am thinking big. Like all males between the ages of 9-55, or something similar. That’s what it will take to win this thing, whatever that means. But the softies in the liberal media and Congress won’t go for it…
But in eliminating all the opposition, it would gravely polarize the rest of the region against the U.S. and demonize the U.S. imperialistic empire alongside such revered infamous members of the book that is world history as the Emperors and Centurions of the Roman Empire, Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes, the Vandals and Visigoths, Imperial Spain during the Inquisition, and Nazi Germany among others.
I kinda doubt that the fellas who got together in Philadelphia in 1787 had this sort of thing in mind when they drafted this:
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