Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pro Life=Anti Woman

A few weeks ago I was talking with a good friend about the current political climate. When the subject of Abortion rights came up she stated that the main reason she felt the right to such procedures needs to be upheld and strengthened is the simple fact that, no matter what the law is, women in certain circumstances will seek access to them in whatever form they are being offered under whatever laws exist at the time.

Another passage from one of my favorite writers' novellas published in the anthology Different Seasons:

In those days [1935], a married pregnant woman was a radiant woman, sure of her position and proud of fulfilling what she considered to be the function God put her on Earth for. An unmarried pregnant woman was a trollop in the eyes of the world and apt to be a trollop in her own eyes as well. They were, in Ella Davidson's word, "easy," and in that world and that time, "easiness" was not quickly forgiven. Such women crept away to have their babies in other towns or cities. Some took pills or jumped from buildings. Others went to butcher abortionists with dirty hands or tried to do the job themselves; in my time as a physician I have seen four women die of blood loss before my eyes as the result of punctured wombs--in one case the puncturing was done by the jagged neck of a Dr. Pepper bottle that had been tied to the handle of a whiskbroom. It is hard to believe now that such things happened, but they did, gentlemen. They did. It was, quite simply, the worst situation a healthy young woman could find herself in.

The novella spans from the early 1970's to its culmination in the telling of the final tale, exerpted above, in 1980. 1980, when Roe v. Wade was still a fresh decision and the Pro Life movement had yet to grow into the multi headed beast it is today.

Arthur Silber:

There are a great many aspects of today's world that are variously horrifying, ghastly, destructive and appalling -- and among the very worst is an idea that appears to be rapidly gaining support: the noxious notion that all questions relating to abortion rights should be returned to the states. For many reasons, only a few of which are discussed below, this idea is completely incoherent as a matter of political theory, and it undercuts any defense of individual rights on the most fundamental level.If you give a damn at all about the liberty of a single human being, you should oppose all such attempts to your last breath.

The human being to which I refer is not the developing fetus, but the woman who carries the child. I well understand that many people believe that the fetus is a human being long before birth, with all the rights that attend to that designation. In the political context, I consider all such beliefs irrelevant, no matter how sincerely and deeply held. Only one ultimate point matters here: whether you think the developing fetus is a human being or not, the fetus is contained in and supported by the woman's body. If the woman's body did not exist, neither would the fetus. Only the woman's existence makes that of the fetus possible.

The fetus only exists because of the woman's body -- not yours, not that of some possibly corrupt and stupid politician in Washington, and not the body of some possibly ignorant and venal politician in a state legislature.

And now we find that there are instances of those rights being placed in the hands of individual Pharmacists:

Last week, a Federal court ruled that, despite Illinois law, pharmacists in Illinois can refuse to dispense emergency contraception. The state passed a law in 2005 that requires all pharmacies to dispense EC. As a result, Wal-Mart (and other companies) have disciplined pharmacists that refused to follow the rule. Then came the lawsuits and the bad news.

U.S. District Judge Jeanne Scott denied a request Tuesday by Wal-Mart to throw out a lawsuit filed by pharmacist Ethan Vandersand. Scott sided with Vandersand, who had claimed he was legally protected from discipline by the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act when he declined to dispense Plan B.

What's next? Pharmacists refusing to dispense physician prescribed
medications for diseases they might believe were contracted by behavior they might think is illegal or immoral? Where does the line get drawn? As Arthur went on to say in his post:

This is, finally, what the battle about abortion concerns. To the extent people choose to limit a woman's right to her own body, they accept and reinforce this endlessly destructive cultural tradition -- and they believe in Original Sin, even if they are atheists. Religion holds no exclusive claim to irrationality of this kind. They seek to control abortion because they seek salvation, whether they recognize that fact or not. To bring salvation nearer, women must be eternally subordinate, and they cannot be allowed to do anything other than what men allow.

And as George Carlin pointed out in his HBO special Back In Town:

If you're pre-born, you're fine, if you're pre school, you're fucked. Conservatives don't give a shit about yo until you reach military age. Then they think you are just fine, just what they've been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.

Pro Life. Pro Life. These people aren't pro life, they're killing doctors! What kind of pro life is that? What, they'll do anything they can to save a fetus, but if it grows up to be a doctor, they just might have to kill it?

They're not pro life. You know what they are? They're Anti Woman.

It all boils down to this point:

Posted by theal2 on 08-03-2007 01:40 AM:

quote:Originally posted by live4love
How about some laws that would control men's bodies, like ...say.... it's illegal to ejaculate without the express intent to create life ?? How do you think men would feel about that ?
After all every sperm is a potential life right ??
Gee if we had some laws like that we would rarely need any abortions !!

( ridiculous right ? Just as ridiculous as trying to control womens' biological functions with laws )

Guys...if you don't want babies and don't want to have to pay for them them keep it in your pants or get a vasectomy. If you do want kids then make sure you discuss this before you have relations with a women. Find a partner that wants the same as you do !!



If men could get Pregnant, abortions would be legal at drive through fast food joints, the golf course, sports stadiums or whereever they choose.

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